Hi friends of ninja dede,
we have migrated our blog to www.theloofamily.wordpress.com
Do stay tuned for ninja dede and lil princess updates.
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Change of blog
Posted by MaMa Loo at 4:42 pm 0 leave a message
Monday, 19 October 2009
Praying to the confucius

Posted by MaMa Loo at 1:06 pm 0 leave a message
Updates of Ninja Dede

Posted by MaMa Loo at 11:54 am 0 leave a message
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Dinner @ AMK

Posted by MaMa Loo at 6:13 pm 0 leave a message
Monday, 21 September 2009
Have fun @ Time Zone
Yesterday, papa and mama 吕brought ninja dede to meet 婆婆 @ parkway parade for dinner and to play at the arcade. We took free shuttle service from sengkang. On the way, little ninja said this: “小老鼠上灯台,偷吃油,吃饱饱,睡呼呼。”when it should be “小老鼠上灯台,偷吃油,下不来,叫妈妈,妈妈不在,猫来了,叽里咕噜滚下来。”It's so funny hearing him saying it. He was so hungry that he ate almost half the bowl of fishball noodle at the hawker centre. After dinner, went to timezone arcade to play his favourite bowling game. On the way home, he kept asking for water but forgetful mama loo did not bring the water out, papa said will go to sengkang terminal to get him soya milk, after drinking, little ninja puked everything out and make a big mess, lucky have spare tshirt. What an eventful evening.

Posted by MaMa Loo at 11:54 am 0 leave a message
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Ninja Dede went to Budget terminal
Today, por por need to send a parcel to Hainan Island so asked mama to bring me along to the airport. Little ninja had a fun time at the airport playground.
Posted by MaMa Loo at 11:41 pm 0 leave a message
Mama Loo Birthday
My dearest mama turns 30 this 7 Sep. We went to meet yuwei yiyi to watch movie. I was not a good boy cause i'm not really interested in watching the UP cartoon.Only managed to sit still for half an hr with eating my fav popcorn. Before the show starts, we went to the arcade and saw the bowling game,we'll lucky to have a try cos someone paid for it but never play. The ball was much too heavy for little ninja. So after the show, mama suggested to go downtown east since there is a mini bowl alley for kids. We hopped on to the cab and off we go. Had lunch at Mac, went to the bowling alley and little ninja have a try at the sand art. For dinner, mama friends have asked her to go to her place. Here are the photos.
Posted by MaMa Loo at 11:01 pm 2 leave a message
Mama pre 30th bday celebration
On 6th Sep, we had a small family celebration for Mama 30th bday. Too bad Adrin Uncle is working night shift so he was not here. Missed him a lot, have not seen him for ages. Hope to see him soon. I loved mummy jelly cake bought by papa. Yummy!!!
Posted by MaMa Loo at 9:46 pm 0 leave a message
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Ninja Dede going to have MeiMei
Mama Loo was accompanied by Papa Loo yesterday for a detail scan. Dr say everything is fine just that BB is smaller (same like the brother). Dr say last one is a boy but this round is a girl. Mama Loo is so elated to hear that she's going have a princess. More chance to shop around to get gal gal clothes. Yesterday Mama Loo ask Little ninja inside the stomach is who? Little ninja replied "Mei Mei" when we never tell him anything. Is it instinct of the child?
Posted by MaMa Loo at 1:24 pm 0 leave a message
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
Went to TAS theatre to learn catwalk
Por Por brought little ninja to TAS theatre to practice his catwalk as he's suppose to be model for a fashion show.
Never learn how to catwalk but good with using the pole to do martial arts.
Posted by MaMa Loo at 2:56 pm 2 leave a message
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Ninja Dede 28mth and pre celebrate Ah gong Bday

Posted by MaMa Loo at 3:56 pm 1 leave a message
Pre celebration Uncle Alvin 31st Bday

Posted by MaMa Loo at 1:07 pm 0 leave a message
Labels: Birthday cake, durian, sing bday song
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Ninja playing with his POO..YucksSS
Little Ninja is a messy boy, he pooed in his shorts in the morning and evening.
He uses his shorts to pick up the drop faeces, use tissue paper to clean the floor to clear the evidence of him dropping his faeces. The way he does it is so hilarious. Photos will be uploaded soon. Stay Tuned folks!!!
NB: He's now partially toilet trained.
Posted by MaMa Loo at 3:24 pm 0 leave a message
Labels: faeces, sengkang home
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Busy Sat

He did this when he's back home.
Posted by MaMa Loo at 4:43 pm 0 leave a message
Helping to wash air con
On Fri evening, Papa and Mama on leave so brought Little Ninja back to Sengkang early. Papa say very long never clean the air con so decided to give it a wash. Little Ninja trying to be a helper to his loving Papa, went to climb the ladder to give his Papa a hand.
Mama bought a rice mould so decided to put it in to let Little Ninja to try, he finished all the rice and keep saying it's good. What a sweet talker. See his cheeky look with his fried rice mould.
Posted by MaMa Loo at 11:43 am 0 leave a message
Labels: air con, rice mould, sengkang home