Yesterday, papa and mama 吕brought ninja dede to meet 婆婆 @ parkway parade for dinner and to play at the arcade. We took free shuttle service from sengkang. On the way, little ninja said this: “小老鼠上灯台,偷吃油,吃饱饱,睡呼呼。”when it should be “小老鼠上灯台,偷吃油,下不来,叫妈妈,妈妈不在,猫来了,叽里咕噜滚下来。”It's so funny hearing him saying it. He was so hungry that he ate almost half the bowl of fishball noodle at the hawker centre. After dinner, went to timezone arcade to play his favourite bowling game. On the way home, he kept asking for water but forgetful mama loo did not bring the water out, papa said will go to sengkang terminal to get him soya milk, after drinking, little ninja puked everything out and make a big mess, lucky have spare tshirt. What an eventful evening.

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