Sunday, 15 February 2009

Happy Birthday to Elena YiYi

Today is Elena YiYi birthday. WE all wish her all the best in her studies in Scotland. Catch u soon in June. We miss U lots........Take care!!!

Raphael has been sick since last sat after he came back from the flyer. His fever was high till 39.2. Now fever has come down but still with a lot of running nose and coughing. Dr started him on Klacid antibiotic cos nowadays she say the fever in children are unpredicatable and can continue to go sky high. Let's prAY HE will get weLL sOOn.

Hooray!!!Little Ninja is gonna to go for 2hr playgroup at edufarm centre at Bedok North St 3 blk 404. His dearest PorPor and GongGong will be the ones responsible to bring him to and fro school cos his mummy needs to report work. The timing for the school is 0930-1130hr.
The Dede is so excited that on fri 13/2/09 when he went to visit the school, he was so unwilling to go back home and wanna stay back to play with his friends. Really hope on Mon he will not cry and enjoy his school. Oh....Dede mama have got to prepare his bag, water bottle, diaper, baby wipes, a small handkerchief and snack box for him to bring to school. All must be label with his name on.

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