Monday, 27 July 2009

.....No posting for a month

Mama Loo has not been blogging and updating my development for 1 whole month... She's so lazy.
I was sick on 15 jul, a day before I turned 27mth, had high fever of 39.8, cough and vomiting.
Dr advised mama loo not to let me go to playgroup till I get well. Thus I absent myself for 8 days and today is my 1st day back to school. Am so happy to see my friends and teachers.

Lately, I am crazy over playing bowling, i must do it everyday from the moment i opened my eyes. I also loved to watch mama loo play Chuzzle game which I called it "毛毛" cos it's round and has a lot of fur.

I speak a lot nowadays but all in chinese. Conversation diagolue with grandparents and mama to be continue......

Stay tuned!!!

This conversation was when he did not defecate for 3 days cos of not much intake when he was unwell.


This was when everytime he hear his mummy cough.


He has been talking so much that sometimes must ask him to stop.
There was once Sat when putting him to bed, he refused to sleep so mummy has to pretend sleep, he said this

妈妈:No response, still pretend to sleep....

After a while, he toss and turn and slept on his own.
Kids nowadays.......

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